Senin, 11 April 2011

An Update On Posting

Well folks, there may be some long breaks in posting over the next couple of months for which I apologize in advance.

My book proof - which looks outstanding by the way - was delivered Thursday morning.

Thursday afternoon I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Prostate cancer.

I'm going to be fine. They caught it early but it means that I have some crap to go through in the coming months so posting bits to the blog - while still a priority - isn't my TOP priority at the moment.

I'm mulling over posting the cancer process on another blog. I haven't decided yet.

I know that there is no good time for cancer, but with the book coming out it could have chosen a better time. I'm busy. I don't have time to be sick.

If you've been following along on the blog, you know that it's hard to keep my humor in check. This situation is no different. I like to think that I'm not really sick - I just have one of those 24 hour cancer bugs that I can't seem to shake.

Here's a hint of my real world: Sitting in the urologists office and having just received the diagnosis, we were going over the various treatment options and the 'down time' involved with each course of action.

I looked at Suz. Suz looked at me. A shared thought passed between us: 'Damn. This is going to seriously cut into our riding season.'

Oh, and as a side note most specialists have NO sense of humor. No humor at all.

Guess I'm going to have to change that, eh?


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