Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Szoke stuff for sale for cancer ride

From Waznie Racing

BRANTFORD, ON -- Jordan Szoke memorabilia will be for sale to benefit the 'Ride to Conquer Cancer' 200-mile bicycle ride June 11-12, benefitting The Campbell Family Institute and the Princess Margaret. Half of all proceeds will be directly donated to Bob Szoke and his fundraising campaign.

The seven-time Canadian Superbike champion has selected five of his leather suits from seasons past and two BKDesign helmets. His wife Amy Szoke has also donated a few of her helmets for the cause.

Jordan suits are priced at $500, helmets at $300 and Amy helmets at $200.

For more information contact waznie@rogers.com. More details can be found here: http://to11.conquercancer.ca/site/PageServer?pagename=to11_homepage <http://to11.conquercancer.ca/site/PageServer?pagename=to11_homepage>.

Jordan Szoke would like to thank Waznie Racing Inc, Parts Canada, Alpinestars, HJC, Monster Energy, Thor, Competition Systems/Kawasaki, Oakley, Ogio, BK Designs, Just Transmissions, Strodes, Robot Pirate Ninja Productions, photobOb and PUG.

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